About Our Farm
We are a small family owned business. We are super passionate about raw milk, pastured products and about our farm. Seth and Andi both were born and raised on farms and want to keep that tradition going for their children. We want to get involved in our community and help create healthy families.
We are currently renting a farm and small dairy which we hope to purchase in the future. We are a grade A raw facility. We are running our small herd of 10 Jersey milk cows, our laying chickens in the "Pie-obliterater", and broilers in portable pasture shelters called "chicken tractors".
We have completely natural whole raw milk that is simply filtered. cooled. bottled. Our milk is non homogenized and non pasteurized.
There is a lot of money in the milk industry devoted to marketing and pushing milk that isn't healthy for you. When it comes to our health and our kids' health, we want the best. We stand behind our products and know they are truly healthy. Our milk is filled with vitamins, minerals, good bacteria, enzymes, and because our cows are continuously on grass our milk especially has high omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids.
Our milk has no antibiotics, synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides or GMOs.
Truly pasture happy. Truly local. Truly healthy.